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Mountains Bayanaul.

Tours in mountains Bayanaul.
“We know nothing at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren. The real nature of things we shall never know”
Albert Einstein.
Sity tour from Almaty to Astana.
Bayanaul is a word of Mongolian-Turkic origin, their literal translation is rich, happy mountains. Among the steppes in the south-west of Pavlodar region is the pearl of Kazakhstan - Bayanaul mountains.
The Bayanaul Mountains are located in the southern part of the Pavlodar region on the territory of the Bayanaul District, almost the entire territory of the Bayanaul Mountains is located on the territory of the Bayanaul National Natural Park.
The Bayanaul Mountains extend in the latitudinal direction for 42 kilometers, in the meridional direction their length is 16 kilometers. On topographic maps, the mountains are divided into Northern Bayan and Eastern Bayan mountains. In the central part east of Lake Zhasybai mountains are called Zhasybai.
The highest height of the Bayanaul Mountains is Mount Akbet 1022 meters high above sea level, which is located in the northern, central part of the mountains. In the East Bayan Mountains, the highest altitude is Mount Ogolen 958 meters above sea level.
The mountains occupy a mountain and forest oasis, cover an area of more than 450 square kilometers. The Bayanaul mountains are characterized by boulders of bizarre shape. Stone sculptures are one of the natural attractions of Bayanaul.
The mountains are concentrated attractive and interesting natural attractions with bizarre cliffs Kempir tas (Baba Yaga), Pigeon, Nayzatas (Bulka), Horse Head, Stone Feathers. The most beautiful lakes Sabyndykol, whose area is 7.4 kilometers square and Lake Zhasyby with an area of 4 kilometers square.
In the eastern part of the Bayansky Mountain there is Aulie Tas Cave, 22 meters long and the Dravert Grotto - with rock paintings, the Grotto Jug with a waterfall 3 meters high and sheer narrow gorges. The absolute heights of the Bayanaul Mountains range from 600 to 1000 meters above sea level.
From the main mountain range, gradually lowering, the spurs of the Zhasyby, Zhanbaki, Toriaygyr, Zhaksyaul, Zhamanaul mountains leave. The Bayanaul Mountains are composed of crystalline granites, syenites, porphyrites, and schists.
The modern relief was formed in the Mesozoic as a result of the destruction of mountains under the influence of exogenous forces. On the slopes of the mountains are pine, birch and aspen forests and light forests, alternating with feather-grass and grassy steppes.
There are holiday homes in the surrounding area.
E.Sokolkin. "Mountains Bayanaul". Pavlodar.
Alexander Petrov.