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Thermal springs Alma-Arasan.

Walk to hot springs Alma-Arasan.
«Nature does nothing without purpose or uselessly»
Trip to springs Alma-Arasan from Almaty.
The springs Alma-Arasan (translated from the Kazakh "Warm source") are located at an altitude of 1835 meters above sea level, located in the south of Almaty, in the Prokhodnoye gorge on the right bank of the Prokhodnaya river in the Bostandyk region of Almaty.
3.8 kilometers from the branch of the road to the Big Almaty gorge in the Prokhodnoye gorge, at a height there was a sanatorium "Alma-Arasan" (translated from Kazakh "Teply Klyuch"). Sanatorium "Almarasan" has had its own history since 1931.
More than 16 healing springs with thermal-radon sulfur springs have been recorded on the western slopes of the Prokhodnaya River gorge. Mineral water outlets are classified as tectonic faults. The flow rates of self-flowing wells are 0.25 - 1 liter per second, the water temperature is up to 20.5 - 39.7 degrees.
By chemical composition, hydrocarbonate, sodium sulfate. In terms of its healing qualities, the water is close to the famous French waters of the Pyrenean type. The sanatorium worked until 1990. Then the resort was closed for renovations, and it no longer worked.
During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), wounded soldiers improved their health in the sanatorium. According to legend, Tamerlane's warriors bathed in the waters of the springs during their numerous campaigns of conquest.
At this time, about 700 meters from the parking lot, up the Prokhodnoye gorge on the right bank of the river of the same name, two baths, a shower, changing cabins, and a small pool in the waters of the Prokhodnaya river have been built.
A walking path has been laid, which is equipped with pedestrian bridges, steps, railings.
Geographic coordinates of thermal springs and baths on the left bank of the Prohodnaya river: N43 ° 05'00.86 "E76 ° 54'20.95"
Alexander Petrov.
Sergey Mikhalkov and Alexander Petrov, Almaty city.