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Saparmurat Khaji mosque.

Excursion to Saparmurat Khadj mosque in Geok depe.
"The mosque can house up to 20 thousand Muslims. Here are held all the state sadaka - sacrificial meals in honor of holidays and celebrations traditional for the Muslim religion. In 2004 it was given the status of the main mosque in Turkmenistan"
Natural history tours to Turkmenistan.
Saparmurat Khadj mosque (turkmen. Saparmyrat Hajy metjidi) - the mosque in the city of Gyokdepe (earlier of Geok-Tepa) in Turkmenistan. It is constructed in memory of soldiers defenders of Geoktepe fortress.
The mosque has four minarets. The project was developed by the Ashgabat architect Kakadzhan Durdyev. The mosque was open in 1995, and is called in honor of the President of Turkmenistan.
The mosque was built by the French company Bouygues in one year.
Huge snow-white mosque with four minarets and the huge gold dome is situated a twenty-minute drive from Ashgabat, in the ancestral village of former Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov, Kipchak. The mosque was named "Turkmenbashi Ruhi", which is Turkmen for "spirit of Turkmenbashi”.
Construction of the mosque, at the cost of the 100 million dollars was completed in 2004. Rukh Turkmenbashi is not the biggest mosque only in Turkmenistan, but also throughout Central Asia. Its distinguishing feature is that the walls of the mosque not only painted with the sayings of the Koran, but also with the sayings of the Rukhnama book ("Book of Spirit”) written by Turkmenbashi, which was declared to be a "holy book and spiritual code of the Turkmen people."
The mosque can house up to 20 thousand Muslims. Here are held all the state sadaka - sacrificial meals in honor of holidays and celebrations traditional for the Muslim religion. In 2004 it was given the status of the main mosque in Turkmenistan.
Near the mosque there was built the mausoleum of the president, within which is located five sarcophagi. In the corners of the mausoleum mother and father of Niyazov are buried, as well as his two brothers who died during the earthquake of 1948.
From the time of construction there was build a sarcophagus in the center mausoleum intended for Turkmenbashi himself, where he was buried in 2006.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.