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Gozli Ata mausoleum.

Small group holidays in Turkmenistan.
"Gozli Ata was a Sufi who lived here in the XIVth century, and who is buried in a mausoleum in this desolate location. We walked among the old tombstones, saw our first fertility site where women wanting to get pregnant tie up pieces of cloth or leave small dolls in makeshift cradles"
Tours to Turkmenistan Independent.
The mausoleum of Gozli Ata, located on a low platform against the backdrop of stunning pink and red limestone rock formations, is one of the holiest pilgrim sites in Turkmenistan.
The mausoleum is surrounded a large Salor tribal graveyard.
Gozli Ata (literally: All-seeing Father) was a famous XIIth century Sufi teacher who studied in Turkestan (present-day Kazakhstan), who was said to have the capacity to see inside peoples' soul.
Gozli Ata was a Sufi who lived here in the XIVth century, and who is buried in a mausoleum in this desolate location. We walked among the old tombstones, saw our first fertility site where women wanting to get pregnant tie up pieces of cloth or leave small dolls in makeshift cradles.
Saw the mausoleum of Gozli Ata, and enjoyed the view of the typically coloured mountains. We still had a lot of driving to do, and continued driving the canyon.
The road seemed to be getting always more beautiful and offering spectacular views ahead of us - until the sun was almost down and we stopped at a nice, protected place where we put up our tents.
We walked along the rock formations that were now towering above us, with intense colours and shadows stressing the amazing shapes of the rocky wall, and were in awe at their beauty.
Early next morning, the light was totally different, offering a different perspective on the mountains and the canyon, before we returned to the south - to Balkanabat.
We would see more impressive landscapes in Turkmenistan, but Yangykala canyon was certainly a very special sight.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.