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Park of Independence in Ashgabad.

Excursions on Ashgabad parks.
"Independence Monument is surrounded by the majestic statues of the great rulers and military leaders, artists and thinkers of Turkmenistan. The majestic composition is finished by Ceremonial Avenue leading to the monument"
Excursions for Turkmenistan interesting places.
One of the main touristic attractions of Turkmenistan is the National Independence Park in Ashgabat. Ashgabat Park (Turkmen: Aşgabat seýilgähi) is among the oldest public parks[clarification needed] at the center of Ashgabat in Turkmenistan.
Located between the Kuliyev, Azadi streets and Mahgymguly, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi avenues. Today covers an area of 7 hectares. Laid in 1887 and initially called The city summer garden.
Founded in 1890 as Officer Park, in the park was located building of Nobility Assembly of Russian Empire. In the USSR was called Lenin Park, and the people was called First Park. In the era of Turkmenistan independence park was given the name - Ashgabat. In 2014 was opened after reconstruction.
There is a symbol of the country – the Monument of Independence (the tallest building of the country). The base of grandiose monument is a hemisphere (symbol of traditional Turkmen dwelling - yurts).
The column is decorated with proud eagles and golden spire with a crescent and 5 stars (symbol of the unity of 5 Turkmen clans). The height of this grand building is 118 metres -derivative number is taken from the sum 91 and 27 (Independence Day October 27, 1991).
You can get here in one of the luxury entrances, guarded by the statues of warriors with gold spears. There is the Museum of National Values inside the building. The museum exhibition contains of different types of weapons, large numismatic collection, as well as beautiful jewels.
Independence Monument is surrounded by the majestic statues of the great rulers and military leaders, artists and thinkers of Turkmenistan. The majestic composition is finished by Ceremonial Avenue leading to the monument.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.
Alexander Petrov