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Makhtumkuli university.

Student's Turkmenistan tours.
Turkmen state university of Makhtumkuli (turkmen Magtymguly adyndaky Türkmen döwlet uniwersiteti) - the leader, one of the oldest and largest classical universities of Turkmenistan. It is called in honor of Makhtumkuli Fragi.
The Turkmen state university of M. Gorky is formed on July 14, 1950 by reorganization of the Ashgabat teacher training college existing since 1931. At institute training of specialists at agropedagogical, organizational and methodical and philological faculties was conducted. Is a member of the Euroasian association of universities since 1989.
Till 1993 bore a name of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky. With finding of independence of Turkmenistan, till present bears a name of the Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli. The university has the international cooperation agreements with such research centers as ENU of Gumilyov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Baku state university, the Yerevan state university, the Belarusian state university, the State university of Romania.
In 2007 the Buig company constructed the TGU main case with library, the reading room and the square assembly hall with a total area of 13500 meters for 40 million US dollars. The French firm "Buig" within contracts with TGU executed reconstruction of buildings for 45 million US dollars.
The French firm made reconstruction of a facade of the main thing and the 1st educational TGU cases. On September 1, 2008 the building of physical and mathematical faculty opened. The president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participated in the opening ceremony of the new educational case.
On September 1, 2011 the building of geographical faculty and two cases of the hostels built by the French company "Buig" opened. The educational case adjoins the main building of TGU.
In the case of geographical faculty 800 students can be engaged. Mathematical, physical, chemical and biological, geographical, historical, yuridichesiya, Turkmen and literature, foreign languages and literature.
In the years of World War II a part of MSU was evacuated to Ashgabat where for occupations it was allocated the Ashgabat teacher's college. Many occupations for students of MSU and teacher's college were joint.
Among graduates of MSU of 1942 there was a famous Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov who finished study already in Ashgabat.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.