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Russian market in Ashgabad.

Ethnographic tourism in Ashgabad.
"You will not buy mind on a market"
Central Asia Traveling in Turkmenistan.
State shopping center "Gulistan" or Russian market (turkmen "Gülistan" söwda merkezi - Rus bazary) - the central city market of Ashgabad, one of the largest in the capital. It is located in the downtown.
Despite emergence in Ashgabat of new shops and shopping centers, the market continues to enjoy popularity among residents and tourists. He is regularly visited by foreign delegations.
The range of goods is extremely big. Inside snackbars are located. The project of the architect Vladimir Vysotin is developed in 1965 - 1969. The sculptor is Klych Yarmamedov. The market is constructed in 1972 - 1982.
In 1984 for construction of a market architects and builders were given an award of Council of ministers of the USSR. In 2001 the Turkish company "Ekol" carried out reconstruction: outlets, shops and grocery stalls are updated.
The complex is covered with white marble. In 2007 on ware department of a market there was a fire.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.