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Youth theater in Ashgabad.

Go rambling to Ashgabad.
“A multicultural society does not reject the culture of the other but is prepared to listen, to see, to dialogue and, in the final analysis, to possibly accept the other's culture without compromising its own”
Reuven Rivlin.
Combined Tours in Turkemenistan Along Central Asia.
The Turkmen national youth theater of Alp Arslan (turkmen Alp Arslan adyndaky milli Ýaşlar teatry) - theater in Ashgabad. In the past the theater huddled in the shabby building of the former movie theater.
Since 2006 the theater is the southern part of Ashgabad. The building is built by the Turkish company "GAP Inshaat" and solemnly openly on October 21, 2006. The area of the four-storeyed building is 9 thousand square meters.
Walls of theater are revetted with the Italian marble, the facade is decorated by high columns and stained-glass windows. Besides a front staircase from red granite, in the building there are four elevators.
In theater two rotating scenes with halls on 800 and 200 places. The area of the main scenic platform - more than 400 square meters. The monument to the Turkmen governor and educator Alp Arslan is placed into the square in front of theater.
In the territory, adjacent to theater, in more than 1,5 hectares the square is broken. Building cost - $17 million.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.