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Trip to Sumbar valley in Turkmenistan.
Shyvlan-baba, patron of mad. According to the Turkmen beliefs, already in the childhood this feast has Arab, Persian, etc. languages down to a science.
Mazar Shyvlan-baba is near Garrygal at the foot of a hill Syunt-Hasar.
It is considered that if in this mazar to place for night of the connected insane, then by the morning it becomes healthy.
The local legend narrates that once Shyvlan-baba saw a feather and ran behind it, but, without having caught up, asked the teacher a question - whether he saw it on what the teacher told as if it flew through the mountain.
With Shyvlan-baba despair loudly sighed and from his sigh the mountain lit up.
Since then on it nothing grows, and stones remained black from the fire there.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.
By V. Komarov. http://infoabad.com/vs-o-turkmenistane/shibli-baba-isceljayuschii-dushu-...