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Diyarbekir ancient settlement.

Excursions on vicinities of Dashoguz.
"Diyarbekir (Yarbekir-kala), antique and medieval ancient settlement approximately in 90 km to the west of town Dashoguz, in Dashoguz Region. In the plan a rectangle 250 x 200 m, medieval fortifications with an internal corridor and semi-oval towers, in east wall - the remains of an ancient construction well remained"
Turkmenistan Tours, Travel & Trips.
There is a set of the remains of constructions in fortress and around it. Emergence and the first period of functioning of fortress belongs to the 4th century BC - IIIrd century AD. After long desolation the ancient settlement began to be used in the period of the Khorezm shakhs (The X - XIII century of century) and time of the Golden Horde again (XIVth century).
By XVth century the population forever left this place. To the southeast from fortress - ruins of a large object of an era Horezmshakhov - it is probable, a caravanserai of non-standard planning. In vicinities there were many irrigational constructions, potter's workshops and inhabited estates.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.
Alexander Petrov