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History of Daya-Khatyn caravanserai.

Monuments of Lebap Region.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
Excursions on archaeological monuments of Lebap Region.
The Daya-Khatyn caravan sarai is located at an altitude of 232 meters above sea level, 1.3 kilometers from the left (western), main channel of the Amu Darya River, 2.1 kilometers to the east and slightly south of the Khalkabat railway station, 49.8 kilometers to the south and a little to the east of the village of Dargana, 148.3 kilometers northwest of the city of Turkmenabat in the Darganatyn etrap of the Lebap velayat.
In Lebap Region there are a lot of historical monuments which are studied by archeologists, historians, local historians. Now 185 of them are registered by the National historical and cultural park of the town of Atamurat.
Trade always played an extremely important role in economy. In the past it was carried out by trade caravans. For ensuring rest of travelers and their safety the spacious, well equipped coaching yards caravanserais which, especially in places or dangerous zones, remote from the large cities, quite often became stronger powerful defensive walls were under construction.
In the territory of Sadie's city, near the railway station Halkabad, is in a northwest part of Lebap Region well remained unique monument of medieval architecture, Daya-Hatyn caravanserai, known under the name.
According to the famous historian Yakut (XIII in), the caravanserai in the IXth century was called Rabat Takhir and Takhiridov Takhir ibn al Huseynom was constructed by the founder of a dynasty. The Khiva historian Agakhi used this name as "Hatun Rabat".
The monument belongs to the X - XII centuries of our era. Historical documents confirm that Daya-Hatyn caravanserai was one of the best on the Great silk way. In the people it is called Bai-Hatyn ("The rich woman") and connect such legend with a loaf shed.
The architectural monument of Dai-Hatyn was for the first time studied in 1939. After it scientists A. M. Pribytkov and G. A. Pugachenkova studied. All of them are unanimous that external strengthenings of a caravanserai are constructed in the IXth century.
S. Yershov dates it the second half of the XIIth century, A. M. Pribytkov - a boundary of the X-XI or the beginning of the Xith century, G. A. Pugachenkova - the first quarter of the XIIth century. The caravanserai in the plan represents a square with the parties of 53 cm.
Facing of walls, layings of arches, the arches and domes are executed with big skill from a burned brick. External corners are issued by round towers. In the middle of the building the open yard the sizes of 30 x 30 meters, around which the covered arcade and numerous big and small rooms.
Construction though belongs to the Middle Ages, but after small repairs and restorations functioned till the XVIth century. Here Daya-Hatyn caravanserai was visited in 1899 by the representative of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the member of an expedition on railway researches of the Alexandrov line - Guy - Chardzhuy, the official of special orders of M. N. Chernyshevsky (1858 - 1924), the son of the famous writer-publicist of the 60th of the XIX century M. G. Chernyshevsky.
In its hand-written diary there are records about this expedition:" on November 20 safely reached Daya-Hatyn-of beautiful ruins of some ancient palace - the first building not from clay, and from the burned brick. Were located in the huge hall with the arch; above in a ceiling as usual a hole.
We think here to spend the night and tomorrow at 3 - 4 o'clock if there is favorable weather, to leave. You lie on a floor in the twilight, you look upward and you imagine yourself in some medieval dungeon". But also this" a dungeon" under the circumstances seemed to travelers "some magnificent magnificent room".
The author truly noticed singularity of architecture and material of this ancient construction. Even in ruins it made a strong impression on travelers. Chernyshevsky imprinted this monument on a film. Ruins of a caravanserai were slightly powdered with snow and therefore Chernyshevsky could not notice that were executed from a burned brick only facing of walls, layings of arches, the arches and domes.
The main material applied to walls was the raw of the same size. Daya-Hatyn caravanserai has the state value and is under protection of the historical and cultural reserve of the town of Atamurat. Now here rescue and recovery operations are carried out, improvement of the surrounding territory is conducted.
History monuments which are studied by archeologists, historians, local historians. Now 185 of them are registered by the National historical and cultural park of the city of Atamurat. Trade always played an extremely important role in economy. In the past it was carried out by trade caravans.
For ensuring rest of travelers and their safety the spacious, well equipped coaching yards caravanserais which, especially in places or dangerous zones, remote from the large cities, quite often became stronger powerful defensive walls were under construction.
Geographic coordinates of Daya-Khatyn caravanserai: N40 ° 04'28.86 "E62 ° 23'55.57"
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.