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Durnali ancient settlement.

Automobile routes on vicinities of Merv.
"the city on which the world leans"
Tours across ancient settlements of ancient Merv.
Site of ancient settlement Durnali is located in 25 kilometers from fortress Gyaur-Kala. Here many ruins of buildings IX - XII в.в were retain. The site of ancient settlement has ancient history. For a long time here settled down large Parthian the city surrounded by a powerful fortress which has been restored in the Middle Ages.
The fortress had the rectangular form in the size nearby 180 on 160 meters. On corners, also along walls there were powerful towers. The chief task a fortress was to cover a plenty of the townspeople behind the walls.
The number of loopholes reached five hundred, except for them there was a top circle, whence shot at the enemy. The internal territory of a fortress is not built up almost. Only near to the center of a fortress ruins of a large building were kept.
Walls of a fortress were partially kept. The coins found here dated I testify to age Durnali - II centuries B.C.
On materials of an information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sports. «Religious and spiritual monuments of the Central Asia». The author of M. Khashimov. Publishing house "Saga", 2001.