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Mashat gorge.

Walks on beautiful gorges of Southern Kazakhstan province.
“In slopes of mountains, the gorge, set of karst caves. One of them is especially interesting, the entrance to which is covered by hundreds of water streams which are making the way from thickness of the arch”
Trip to Mashat gorge.
The gorge Mashat is in 68 kilometers from the settlement of Zhabagly in which there is a directorate of the Aksua-Zhabagly national reserve and in 50 kilometers, on the East, from the city of Shymkent. Before descent in a canyon Mashat, from the pass, on the left side from the road is a monument to the Saint Sykym baba.
A source of the river Mashat is the river Iyyrsu which originates from Mountains Ala-Tau which put northern slopes of the ridge the Talas Ala-Tau. After the river Yirsu is included into a canyon, it receives the name Mashat.
In headwaters the river Yirsu accepts Daulbaba inflow in which, in turn, the small river Tobylbulak which, as well as the river Iyrsu, originates from the northern foot of mountains of the Talas Ala-Tau adjoins at the left.
In the lower current the river Mashat flows into the river Arys. The road to the gorge runs on the beauty spot and brings into a narrow and deep canyon which stretches for several kilometers between mountains and comes to an end with the bowl-shaped valley.
In slopes of mountains, the gorge, set of karst caves. One of them is especially interesting, the entrance to which is covered by hundreds of water streams which are making the way from thickness of the arch. The gorge Mashat is the traditional vacation spot of residents of the cities of Shymkent, Taraz and neighboring villages.
Conglomerate steep rocks of a canyon are convenient for trainings of rock-climbers and mountain tourists. It is possible to make one-day automobile excursions, foot walks along the river Mashat, relic pistachio groves grow here.
In the neighborhood of the gorge Mashat in 2010 is open a new species of a tulip of Lemmersi. In the spring the gorge green, grows several species of tulips, water in the river quiet here. On the gorge the automobile asphalted way is paved, in the neighborhood of the gorge there are many different rest houses, small hotels, boarding houses where it is possible to spend days off and holidays with advantage.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.