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Lake Shortankol in Borovoe.

Travel to Borovoe natural park.

«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»

Henry David Thoreau.

Ecological tour to Borovoe park.

Burabay is an excellent health resort. One of the largest lakes of Burabay is  Shortankol lake. The name of the lake is due to the abundance of pike that once lived in its waters. The lake is 7 km by 4 km, the length of the coastline is 25 km.
It is 30 meters deep in the central part. The water in the lake even on the hottest day is cold. It’s partly due to the fact that 60% of the lake is fed by underground sources. All lakes in the region are surrounded by pine forests.
It is interesting that before the Ice Age there were no pine trees, but oak and alder. With the invasion of the ice deciduous the forests disappeared, giving the way to taiga. After warming in place of the taiga thickets came pine.
A pine forest is called the "guardian of water". The forest seems to attract clouds causing them to spill over the area one and a half times more often than over the steppe. The “green community” collects  moisture little by little, feeding the forest lakes through visible and not visible veins.
Hydrologists discovered that many large and small lakes of the forest zone are connected by underground channels. However, only 70 years ago, the channels were seen on the surface. The excess water in one lake replenished the lack in another.
So Lakes Auliekol and Kotyrkol were connected by a large river Sary-Bulak. River Gromotuha, flowing out of Lake Auliekol flowed into Lake Aynakol. And  Kylshakta river, flowing out of the the lake Shortankol, fed Kokshetau lakes Kopa and Chagly.
It’s said the forest attracts water. In Burabay, according to the meteorologists' observations, there is one and a half times more precipitation than in the surrounding steppe. In summer thunderstorms are frequent but there are almost no fogs.
Burabay forest resists the winds well but sometimes it is shaken by strong storms and blizzards. The region is famous for the duration of sunshine and greater ionization of air than in other high-altitude health resorts.

A source:
Guide to Kazakhstan. Edition of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

Alexander Petrov.