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Alataysky pass.

Trip from lake Markakol to Bukhatrma valley.
“As soon as man seeks to penetrate the secrets of nature - in which nothing is secret and it is but a question of seeing - he realizes that the simple produces the supernatural”
Honore de Balzac.
Trip from Katon-Karagay to settlement of Urunkhayka.
Between ridges Kurchum and Southern Altai which were stretched from the southwest on the northeast and dominate to the width arrangement, are Mounts Altai which by physiographic criterion are the southernmost tip of the Kurchum ridge more.
Mounts Altai were stretched from the northwest on the southeast. The middle part of these mountains is crossed by the pass Alataysky 1792 meters high above sea level. The pass Alataysky connects the valley of the rivers Sorvenok and Karakaba.
Through the pass Alataysky Old Austrian Road which in turn, connects the valley of the lake Markakol to the valley of the river Bukhtarma runs. The pass opens at the end of May and is closed at the end of October.
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.