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Rakhmany springs Katon-Karagay.

Rest on the Rakhmanov mineral springs.
“Nature is wise. You can learn everywhere and from everything”
Leonardo da Vinci.
Tours to ravel to Rakhmanov springs in Kazakhstan.
The Rakhmanov springs are valued as a historical monument - the ruins of a Buddhist temple were found there. The Rakhmanov springs sanatorium is located on the northwest side of the lake near the thermal spring.
Two legends are connected to the Rakhmanov springs. The first legend says that in 1763, a hunter named Rakhmanov was chasing a wounded maral, following the blood traces the animal left, and found the beast standing in the spring amidst hot steam.
Having killed the animal, the old Rakhmanov discovered that the wound on the foot of maral stopped bleeding and was partly healed. This fact amazed the hunter. Rakhmanov suffering from rheumatics, and decided to try the wonder springs.
He was healthy after a two-week swimming in the springs. The second legend also refers to hunting. A hunter named Abdrakhman went to the mountains in winter. He got cold and began to freeze up. Feeling that he would not make it, he decided to go down to the valley.
There he noticed a raising steam and discovered the thermal springs. The hunter warmed himself up in the water. He felt very good and energetic after swimming in the springs. Having returned home, he told his neighbours about his find.
The springs got the name Abdrakhmanov's, which was further shortened to Rakhmanov.
The guidebook across Kazakhstan. The edition of the ministry of tourism and sports.
Alexander Petrov.