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Trip to Park Altyn-Emel.

Phototours mountains Aktau park Altyn-Emel.
“To travel is to live”
Hans Christian Andersen.
From Almaty, оnе takes the road to Taldykorgan till оnе comes to the village of Shengeldy, and from there over а 50 kilometer long field road which can only be taken if the weather is dry to the dunes. The Altyn Emel National Park, founded in 1996 and covering 5,200 square kilometres, stretches along the northeastern side of the Карshagay Reservoir and the north bank of the lie River before it flows into the reservoir.The name “Altyn Emel” has the Mongolian background, and by translation it means a gold saddle. It is corroborated brightly by the national legend: in summer of 1219 army of Chingiz khan moved through this valley to win the Central Asia.
When the great commander saw at sunset mountains covered with the yellowed grass, he exclaimed, “Gold saddle!” As it is known, nomads drew first geographical maps in the past based on associations. Probably since then these mountains has assumed the name “Altyn Emel”.
If to stare, the pass reminds externally very much a saddle. Standing on the pass of the last mountain ridge before entering the lie Plain, and observing the territory that he was about to conquer, he reputedly said that he felt as if he were in a golden saddle (Altyn Emel actually means "Golden Saddle").
Photowalks across Kazakhstan.
The brief description of a route of a trip to national park the Park Altyn-Emel
Almaty – town of Kapshagay - settlement Shengeldy - settlement Saryozek - pass Park Altyn-Emel - settlement Baschi – National Park Altyn-Emel - Singing barchan - mountains Katu tau - mountains Aktau - Almaty.
Extension of a route: 759 km.
Seasonality: from April till October, 1st.
The Best time for travel: April - May.
The size of group: no more than 8 person.
Duration: 2 days and 1 night.
The detailed program of travel in Basshi village and Kattu tau mountains:
Trip to the country in Kazakhstan.
Day 1. Almaty - settlement Basshi (397 km).
Transfer: Almaty - settlement Basshi (255 km). After Almaty we go on ancient Iliiskiy to a path, movement on which has been opened in 1855. On a way we pass the bridge through the river Ili in vicinities Kapshagai of a reservoir and further our way on the east.
We pass first railway station Kapshagai after Almaty and from here we turn on a southeast, in a valley which is on right I protect the rivers Ili. A following interesting place of our way will be the Altyn-Emel pass, a stop on pass, short walk in vicinities. Arrival in settlement Basshi, official registration of papers on visiting of national park the Altyn-Emel of park.
Transfer: settlement Basschi - cordon Shagan - cordon Mynbulak - Singing Barchan (48 km). Walk in vicinities of the Singing barchan, at desire an ascention on sand on top of mountain from sand.
Transfer: Singing barchan - spring Valikhanov (2 km), descent to a spring, on a legend at a spring stopped Kazakh traveller Shokan Valikhanov, walk in vicinities. Lunch-picnic on the way.
Transfer: spring Valikhanov - stones Oshaktas (8 km). Walk in vicinities stone stele Oshaktas.
Transfer: Oshaktas - cordon Mynbulak (1 km). On cordon Mynbulak it is possible to visit a small pond in which the small family of carp and other fishes live. Ancient willows, with semicentenial age, also will draw your attention, in a shadow of willows it is possible to have a rest after visiting the Singing barchan and to get drunk cold water from a spring.
The further transfer: Mynbulak - settlement Basshi (37 km). Arrival in settlement Basshi, accommodation in guest house «Aigekum», dinner and overnight.
Day 2. Settlement Basshi - Almaty (408 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Basshi - mountains Aktau (71 km). After settlement Basshi our way is passed two small settlements Nurum and Aktobe after them lays on the east between mountains Aktau and the river Ili. Gradually the country road deduces us to mountains Aktau and the further way passes along southern slopes of mountains Katu-tau and Aktau. Arrival on multi-coloured mountains Aktau, walk upwards on gorge in vicinities of mountains Aktau. Lunch-picnic on the way.
Transfer: Актау - gorge Katu-tau (26 km). Arrival on rocky file Katu-tau, walks in vicinities. Lunch.
Transfer: Katu-tau - cordon-valley Kosbastau (27 km). On cordon Kosbastau there is a small artificial pond and some centenary willows, one of which more than 700 years. Walk in vicinities of valley.
Transfer: Kosbastau - settlement Basshi (29 km). Arrival in Basshi. Tansfer to Almaty (255 km).
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author petrovsra@mail.ru
Alexander Petrov