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Juniper in Madjrum.

Trip to the settlement of Madjrum.
“Nature abhors annihilation”
Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Sights in Madjrum.
Platycfadus (old name is Biota orientalis) is an evergreen tree of the Cupressus family. It is widespread in South Pamir-Alai, North China, Manchuria, and Korea. In Uzbekistan, wild Biota orientalis grows exclusively in the basin of Tupalang River in Surkhandarya region.
Its height is more than 20 meters. The girth of the trunk is 24 meters, and girth of the central branch is 12 meters. The tree's age is not exactly defined, and it is considered as approximately MOO years. The tree is revered by local people.
According to the local legend, tree was planted by soldiers of Alexander the Great. It is a unique natural relic. According to legends of local population, a tree the Biota east has miracle force, grants treasured desires.
It is necessary to make a wish, to bypass a tree the Biota around and to tie a color rag on a branch. Helps childless women with a request for the birth of the child (belief).
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.