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Maydantal the ridge.

Individual and groups tours in Uzbekistan.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
Charles Darwin
Travel Uzbekistan Guide.
On the right river bank Oygaing there is a short, high spur of the Talas Alatau - Maydantal the ridge. Beginning from top Chongtash (4165 m), the ridge which is a watershed of the rivers Oygaing and Maydantal was stretched on the southwest almost on 45 km.
Its rocky crest rises to 4321 m. Slopes of the ridge are cut up by abrupt gorges and valleys, were ancient glaciers in due time. Glaciologists contain about 50 big and small glaciers occupying slightly less than a quarter of all space of a freezing of a river basin Pskem here.
The rocky northwest slope abruptly breaks to Maydantal whereas southeast goes down to Oygaingu several wide ledges which in many places are interrupted by deep gorges.
Alexander Petrov.