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Aklak hydroelectric complex on Syrdarya river.

Tours to Aral Sea Kazakhstan.
“Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Trip to Aral sea Kazakhstan.
Aklak hydropower plant is located on the Syrdarya River, 20 kilometers to the mouth of the river into the North Aral Sea (Small Aral), 49 kilometers southeast of the Kok-Aral dam (by road), 5.3 kilometers to the north and slightly west of the village Karateren (in a straight line), 98 kilometers southwest of the city of Aralsk (in a straight line), is located in the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region.
A new hydraulic structure with a capacity of more than 300 cubic meters of water per second (Aklak hydroelectric complex) was built on the Syrdarya channel - Karaozek, which made it possible to water lake systems that contain more than one and a half billion cubic meters of water.
Almost a hundred-meter canyon - the only branch through which the Syr Darya flows into the Aral Sea, is blocked by powerful steel gates. When Aklak began to work, the water in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya rose to a level of 53 meters, filling the delta channels and lakes in which fish spawn.
The Aklak junction was built by a Russian company. The height difference between the upper and lower pools is more than twenty meters. The hydro-construction on Aklak has brought colossal benefits to the Aral Sea.
The water level can be raised by several meters, and this is an additional thousand hectares of fishery lake areas. The Russian construction organization JSC "Zarubezhstroy" built a hydroelectric complex and a dam in the North Aral Sea. In total, 411 people were employed in the construction of the hub, - only 23 of them were Russians, the rest were Aral and Kazaly specialists.
Against the backdrop of the constructed hydroelectric complex, the fish passage included in it looks like a modest object. This is a small concrete stepped and winding channel, which will fall like a shallow stream from the upstream into the river downstream.
On it, the fish going to spawn will rise from the sea to the spawning grounds. In the summer, when the water from the Syr Darya is taken away for rice fields, the Kazalinsky hydroelectric complex will be closed, the bypass canal will be blocked here, through which the river goes almost nowhere.
On the dam of the North Aral Sea, you can see how the Syr Darya goes into the desert of the bottom of the former Great Aral Sea.
Geographical coordinates of Aklak hydroelectric complex: N46°01'48.21" E61°03'04.45"
“Hydroelectric power station at the bottom Aral. Kazakhstan constructs hydrounit "Alkak". Igor Тitenok. The Kazakhstan truth <http: // www.kazpravda.kz
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.