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Bestas sandy desert.

Archaeological tourism Kazakhstan.
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Conference and business tourism Kazakhstan.
Bestas (in translation from Kazakh "five stones") - the sandy desert in a northern part of Almaty region of Kazakhstan. It is located in the Balkhash-Alakol hollow.
Occupies the southern coast of Lake Balkhash to the North from Sara-Ishikotrau sands from which her the sublime ridge up to 381 meters high separates above sea level at water level in Balkhash about 342 meters. In the east sands Bestas are limited to an oasis of the river Karatal crossing the area from the South on the North.
The desert Bestas consists of narrow long ridges, with an amplitude of a partition of dunes from 3 - 5 to 30 meters. Among sands on different removal from Balkhash there are also small desert lakes formed owing to its drying, keeping in contact with the lake underground and during a high water.
"Kazakhstan. National encyclopedia" (1998 - 2007).
Alexander Petrov.