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Fauna mountains Dzhetysu.

Outdoor adventure in Kazakhstan.
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home”
Anna Quindlen,
Shock tourism in Kazakhstan.
A large number of fauna of the deciduous wood, birds are especially various - more than 100 bird species can be met here. The beauty the oriole, a cuckoo, a goldfinch, a big titmouse, the largest of our pigeons - a ring-dove and a little owl are most characteristic forty.
A common linnet, lentil, remise, white and blue tits, a green warbler, garden and hawk, a turtle-dove, a pheasant, a quail. In the wood from mammals the forest sleepyhead, a forest mouse, an ordinary vole, a badger, an ermine, a roe, are typical.
To regale on apples and apricots the Tien-Shan bear and boars come. It is very seldom possible to meet a porcupine. In Zailiysky Ala-Tau there passes the northern border of its area. Reptiles are presented rare by widespread Alay - a small lizard.
Coniferous forests consist generally of a fir-tree Tien-Shan, or and occupy Shrenk at the height from 1400 to 2800 meters above sea level. Specific conditions of the mountain coniferous forest promote development of a peculiar fauna.
Are typical for the coniferous forest a spotted nutcracker - the main consumer and the distributor of seeds of a fir-tree, a graceful royal brambling, a creeper, a regulus, a wren, modest coloring a little bird, titmouses Dzungarian, and Moscow forging, a robin, a rough legged horned owl, a hawk owl, the Tien-Shan black grouse, a woodpecker and some other.
In gorges it is possible to hear singing of a lilac thrush, or bluebird of happiness. There live in fir groves the Tien-Shan brown bear, a lynx, a leopard, the cat (all of them are included in the Red List of Kazakhstan), a maral, a roe, a mountain goat, the stone marten included in the Red List of Kazakhstan and other animals.
Subalpine it is located within heights from 2800 to 3000 meters above sea level. It is presented by meadow vegetation and a juniper. Emerald greens of subalpine meadows blossoming of forget-me-nots and buttercups, gentians and pheasant’s (Adonis gen.).
Juniper thickets have a peculiar appearance. In the lower part of the wood a juniper it is high and reaches 1 meter and more, with height this plant decreases to 20-30 centimeters. In the lower part separate undersized trees of a fir-tree, a mountain ash and a willow meet.
The rare relict of the tertiary period - an evergreen bush Semenov's euonymus found a shelter in thickets of a juniper. At this height set of rocks of various size and form. Among rocks and a juniper many birds - black-headed, the Himalaya accentor (Prunella), an painted tit-warbler (Leptopoecile sophiae) grosbeak and lentil, a painted titmouse - amazing beauty the bird included in the Red List of Kazakhstan, the Indian warbler live.
It is very rare Ibis-bill (ibidorhyncha). Total number of this sandpiper in the CIS does not exceed 150 couples, and in Kazakhstan no more than 2 - 3 nests are known. In the territory of Semirechye he nests in the basic in wide valleys of the mountain rivers at the height of 2600 - 4000 meters above sea level, arranges nests, like other sandpipers, in the form of the superficial pole which is laid out by small stones.
The laying of eggs begins at the end of April. In a laying happens 4, 3 or 2 eggs are more rare. Baby birds appear in the middle of July. Sometimes fills up nests with snow which often drops out in the spring at big heights.
Decrease in number of a Ibis-bill (ibidorhyncha) happens, generally because of a regular pasture and a run of the cattle when nests of rare birds are destroyed. Ibis-bill (ibidorhyncha) became an endangered species, it is included in the Red List of Kazakhstan.
"In the region of Seven rivers. Zhetysu". Author and originator B. Gubanov. Alma-Ata, Kaynar publishing house, 1989.
Alexander Petrov.