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Crafts and Gizhduvan's traditions.
Trip from Bukhara to Gizhduvan.
“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading the”
Ray Bradbury.
Trip to museum ceramics in Gizhduvan.
Gizhduvan - the town which is in 50 kilometers to the north from Bukhara. For a long time and till today Gizhduvan is famous for the trade and craft progress. Special pride of peoples from Gizhduv, including unique kitchen, is their unusually beautiful, original ceramics.
Among many schools of ceramics of Central Asia, Gizhduvan holds a specific place. Today it is the only remained center chrome glaze of ceramics of the region, received on customs of ancestors with success continues in the present.
By means of Gizhduvan's masters flower ornaments were interwoven into traditional yellow green scale of the Bukhara ceramics, it is frequent with the geometrical drawing, enjoying unusual popularity. Perhaps in invaluable experience of ancestors, from the father to the son.
Not without reason Ibodullo Narzullayev, the hereditary ceramist in the fifth generation who reported the skill besides pupils, to the children Abdullo, Alisher and Nodira became the founder of Gizhduvan school of ceramics.
And today the glory of the father, work are kept in the museums of many countries of the world, with success is increased by his worthy children. If you to visit Gizhduvana, by all means visit Abdullo Narzullayev's workshop - the full member of Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
This is absolutely unusual person. He is an ingenious ceramist, it is very easy and interesting to communicate with it. An attentive look, strong handshake, an open smile and, the most important, desire it is detailed and very good to tell about favourite business.
Narzullayev' family invites everyone to visit the museum of ceramics and their house workshop, to examine production process, it is possible to get something. If there is desire, you can complete the training course in the house of the master who assumes accommodation in the master's family, training in pottery, communication with the famous pupils.
Alexander Petrov.