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Saline march Kendirlisor.

Hiking around Mangyshlak.
“Not all those who wander are lost”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
Tour One Day on Mangyshlak.
The Kendirlisor salt marsh is located in the southeastern part of the Mangistau region, on the territory of the Ustyurt nature reserve, 24.4 kilometers east of the Ak-Kuduk village and 72.2 kilometers east of the Basgurly depression in the Karakiyansky district in the southeast of the Mangistau region.
Saline march Kenderlisor makes the area more than 50 000 hectares it is located in Ustyrt reserve in Mangystau of province. Together with the hilly and ridge sands adjoining it Karynzharyk of saline march forms a hollow Karynzharyk.
From the clay stony and crushed stone plain of the plateau to a hollow very sharp height difference. Against the background of the seeming infinite wavy surface, there is a grandiose break - Cliff (the local name of this unique natural education designated in scientific literature).
If to appear in a hollow in time before sunset, before eyes the fantastic show - absolutely white, sparkling in beams of the sun and blinding eyes saline march surface Kenderlisor, on it as if huge black, floating from nowhere, the lock - the mountain of Karamay will open.
All this is surrounded with a wall as if built by the unknown architect from cretaceous, calcareous, clay and sandy deposits. Aeolian and water erosion created the fantastic natures blowing the mind, columns - monuments to unearthly beings, caves from wonderful fairy tales, huge as if groundless spheres.
The nature did not stint to paint the creations in the most romantic shades white, pink, yellow, blue and other flowers.
Geographic coordinates of Kendirlisor salt marsh: N42 ° 58'45.24 "E54 ° 25'05.27"
A. G. Isachenko, A. A. Shlyarnikov. World nature. "Landscapes", Moscow, "Thought", 1989.
Alexander Petrov.