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Главная » Almaty region nature. Travels and excursions to North Tien-Shan mountains.

River Uzun-Kargaly.

Mountain tours in Almaty.

“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Almaty mountain walking.

The river Uzun-Kargaly takes the sources on a northern slope of Zailiysky Ala-Tau. Riverheads of Uzun-Kargaly considerable branched.
The river is formed of numerous inflows which originate in snow and glaciers. Mountains of a river basin, almost throughout it is covered with snow.
The lower bound of the river climbs down mountains on 100 - 150 meters down. The highest top - gorges has height of 4232 meters above sea level.
Glaciers, total number to nine, in the majority trailing. The largest of them do not exceed in length of 2 kilometers.
A part of glaciers was observed from a distance in August, 1933 by the geologist S. I. Letnikov.

The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities. The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.Anomalous peony (Paeonia anomalia). The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.Iddler beetle (Espocoelia australasie) on Flag-leaf (Iris alphylla).The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.Flag-leaf (Iris alphylla) on the river Uzun-Kargaly.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.Violet primrose (Primula algida).The river Uzun-Kargaly and vicinities.

Catalog of glaciers of the USSR. - Leningrad, 1967, t. 13, century 2. p. 2. Tuyuksu glaciers (Northern Tien Shan). L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. Freezing of Tien Shan. Under the editorship of N. B. Dyurgerov. - M, 1995. Freezing of Zailiysky Ala Tau. - M.: Science, 1969. Palgov N. N. Bolshealmatinsky freezing knot in the ridge of Zailiysky Ala Tau.

Alexander Petrov.