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East Zailiysky Ala-Tau.

Observing excursion tour in Central Asia.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Familiarization tour in Central Asia.
East part of Zailiiysky Ala-Tau it is decorated huge, almost round form with the mountain Bakay which from the West east part Asy of jaolow (High mountain pastures) adjoins. Height of this mountain is about 3100 meters above sea level.
Acquaintance to this area is better to begin gorges of the small ridge Sogeta (Syugata) with Kokpek. This gorge differs in peculiar beauty. On steep slopes of the gorge the vegetation which is poorly developed: very dry place, around the rock and a talus from alternation of light and gray, red, black and dark green rocks.
Rise lasts more than 10 km - from 860 meters above sea level to 1150 meters above sea level. In the top part of the gorge at the height of 1050 meters above sea level the road has a source. From under the earth there is a water cold and very tasty.
This place playfully call driver's restaurant. In the top part of the gorge at the beginning of the Syugaty valley there is a small settlement of Kokpek. To the right on the South the dirt road in the direction of Bartogay of a reservoir on the way on Asy of jaolow (High mountain pastures) turns from the main automobile highway.
From this road the view of two ridges - Zailiysky Ala-Tau and Kungey Alatau opens. The first ridge - low, the second - high, with snow tops and glaciers. Through 12 kilometers of our way on the dirt flat road the panorama of Bartogay of a reservoir in the wide valley of the river Chilik opens.
From Bartogay of a reservoir the road goes on Asy of jaolow (High mountain pastures) further. Above the bridge the river Chilik cut through thickness of rocks of Zailiysky Ala-Tau and flows among deep very abrupt gorge or on steep canyons. T
he river is abounding in water, up to 40 - 50 meters wide, 1,5 meters in depth. The beginning of the river from glaciers of the southern slope of Zailiysky Ala-Tau at peak Talgar. The road goes on the abrupt gorge.
Around the mountain, the dry stony mountain desert, slopes deprived of vegetation. Only single plants of an Ephedra (Ephedra), honeysuckle occur among rocks and taluses. Peculiar multi-colored rocks give to these places beauty.
The road above and above abruptly rises up and reaches the mountain pass located at the height of 1950 meters above sea level. From the pass the view of the valley of the river Asy opens. Then the road abruptly goes down the stony uneven road to 1650 meters above sea level - to the floodplain of the river Asy.
Around variety and beautiful alternation of rocks of various form and color. Special beauty of the area is given a bizzare shape by the rocks formed from dark red and brown clay sands. In the floodplain of the river Asy are the riparian woodland from thickets of a willow, poplars, a barberry and a dogrose.
The river Asy shallow - width of its 4 - 6 meters, depth of 5 - 30 cm. Water in it has a dark shade. Mostly the river Asy flows from the springs originating in the wood. Only in July and August of water in the river increases from thawing of small internal glaciers.
Further the road abruptly rises up and conducts through the wood on Asy of jaolow (High mountain pastures). Wood here very narrow its strip from 2000 to 2200 meters above sea level. There are most abrupt steep and deep gorges of east part of Zailiysky Ala-Tau. Higher the area more equal - it is mountain pastures.
Asy of jaolow (High mountain pastures) are extensive fine mountain meadows which begin to the east Talgar of mountain knot, strongly extending at Turgen gorges, stretch to the easternmost tip of Zailiysky Ala-Tau.
Above jaolow (High mountain pastures) - in the top part of a part of the ridge - slopes become abrupt and steep, here glaciers - a typical relief of highlands already begin to meet.
V. L. Kazenas, A. B. Zhdanko. A photo album "On Zailiskiy Alatau".
Alexander Petrov.