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Museum of Bogenbai Batyr.

Excursions in Astana and Kazakhstan.
“...it seemed a part of her life, to step from the ancient to the modern, back and forth. She felt rather sorry for those who knew only one and not the other. It was better, she thought, to be able to select from the whole menu of human achievements than to be bound within one narrow range”
Orson Scott Card.
Jeep tours from Russia to Astana.
In Yerementau rayon in 2005 capital repair works were made in the museum of Bogenbai Batyr. Bogenbai Aksha Uly was born in the area of Yerementau in the family of famous warrior, Aksha Batyr, in 1680 near Bogen River in Syrdariya.
Bogenbai Batyr was one of the greatest commanders of that time. Coming from ordinary people, his deeds in the battles against Zhungar invaders were praised by the people. Bogenbai gained his popularity thanks to the successful defence of the capital of Kazakh khanate, Turkestan City, from Zhungar invaders in 1725 - 1727.
Later, being a commander, he took part in the victorious battles near Ayagoz, Kokpekty, Bukhtarma and Irtysh. Historical significance of Bogenbai Batyr is enormous. His name is praised in the chronicles of Kazakh people. He died in 1775.
He is buried in Mausoleum “Khodhza Akhmet Yassaui”. In June 1991 in honour of the 300th anniversary of Bogenbai Batyr on the entrance of the town the Stele of Bogenbai Batyr was established. The Stele is made of stainless steel.
On the shields, which unite three lances, there are inscriptions “This Monument was erected in the honor of Bogenbai warrior, the defender of his Motherland – from the generation of the XXth Century”. In the Regional Program “Cultural Heritage, 2005 - 2007” it is stipulated that the monument of the warrior and the diplomat will be established in 2007.
The establishment of the monument in his small motherland, in Yerementau, would be the recognition of his historical achievements and would pay tribute to the famous warrior. Bogenbai was known in the steppe as “sardar”, the leader of the troops in the war against Zhungar-Kalmyk.
His son, Turanaly, being an educated person, described the campaigns and he played an important role in Kazakhstan’s joining to Russia. These and other facts were inherited from one generation to another to Sakkulak Bi (his great grandson).
Sakkulak received the title “Tole Bi”; it meant “Supreme Judge”. He was famous for his fair high-moral speeches and deeds, as well as rhetoric arts.