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Mausoleum of Kabanbai batyr.

Ancient mausoleums of the Akmola region.
«Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved»
Thomas Fuller.
Historical sights of the Akmola region.
Mausoleum of Kabanbai Batyr is located in the village of Kabanbai Batyr, Tselinograd rayon, in 4 km to north-east of Kzylzhar village and 20 km to the south of Astana City. The mausoleum was constructed in 2000.
The mausoleum became a place of pilgrimage of people from all Kazakhstan and one of the sites in vicinities of Astana. The Mausoleum reminds of a military helmet. The strict forms of ribbed walls emphasizing upward tendency of the whole red-bricked mausoleum are ideal.
On the top of the monument there is a metal crescent. Kabanbai Karakerey is the commander of Kazakh troops, one of well-known warriors who organized the resistance of Kazakh people to Zhungar invasion in XVIII century.
His name is glorified in the chronicles of Kazakh people together with the names of Abylai, Bogenbai. Yerasyl. Kabanbai was born in aul on the bank of Syrdariya presumably in 1691. He died at the age of 78 in 1769.
When Kabanbai was a child his father died during Zhungar invasion. Young Kabanbai swears to revenge enemies. For steady realization of his vow he receives the nickname Izbasar - the Successor. During 40 years the great warrior did not leave a saddle of a fighting horse, participated in more than 100 battles and before these battles he often challenged the best fighters or the commanders of the opponent.
The Kazakh army under the command of Karakerey Kabanbai gained the most outstanding victories in the war against Zhungar people in the battle at lake Alakol in 1725, in the battle at Shubarteniz and on the northern bank of Balkhash in 1728, and also during 80-day's Shorinsk military campaign and Shagansk campaigns, which consisted of continuous skirmishes and battles with the enemy during the whole year. Under the command of Kabanbai such well-known commanders and soldiers as Barak, Dauletbai, Yespenbet the Brave, Baimurat, Shinkozha, Akpantai, Orazymbet, Orakbai, Komai, Shorek and Tentek were fighting.
Warrior Kabanbai is well-known for the cavalry spot-checks in rear of the opponent. Commander Kabanbai Batyr had special authority and esteem from abylai Khan who named him as khan of warriors and Daraboz - Unsurpassed.
Mausoleum of Kabanbai Batyr located in the vicinities of our capital is a significant place for Kazakh people and the celebration of historical justice. Personality of Kabanbai Batyr is a symbol of unity of Kazakh people in the face of danger.