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Necropolis Karaotkel.

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“If you follow the ancient maps written on the stars, no person will ever understand you. So if you could read these maps, would you follow them? And forever be misunderstood? Or would you close your eyes tightly and pretend to be like everyone else?”
C. JoyBell C.
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Karaotkel the muslim cemetery (on Kazakh мұсылман zirata) - the oldest of the known places of burial deceased in Astana. It is located down the street Kravtsova between the residential districts Molodezhnyi and Selinnyi.
The Muslim cemetery "Karaotkel" existed from 1609 to 1962. In 2010 by the resolution of city administration of the city of Astana the cemetery was given the status of a monument of local value. Epitaphs on gravestones are written in the Arab and Persian languages at present scientists of Astana and Almaty are involved to the translation of an epitaph into the Kazakh and Russian languages.
Management of culture of the city of Astana initiated researches of the Muslim cemetery "Karaotkel" located in the heart of the capital. Many legends and legends are connected with this monument history, however the established scientific facts were absent so far.
During laborious work on the account, localization, photography, numbering and the description of each gravestone stele it was established that on the small area of everything in 0,16 square kilometers 2 169 gravestones from a tree, a stone, metal and other materials are located.
However results of detailed studying of a relief demonstrate that this cemetery hides about 10 000 burials. Such impressive figure, according to the chairman of the Kazakhstan archaeological society Karl Baypakov, demonstrates that this cemetery multilayered, and was formed throughout many centuries.
"The top layer is stone and concrete steles, the remained gravestones. Under these graves and near them there is a lot of other burials", - he declared. After large-scale studying of a historical monument of Karaotkel to capital Management of culture the set of registration documentation was transferred to each of 2 169 gravestone constructions recorded at the cemetery - only 8676 separate documents.
The cemetery "Karaotkel", generally is Muslim, there meet as well orthodox, and Jewish burials.
Graves of teachers of Muslim school, religious representatives from Bukhara and Kazan which are dated back to the end the XIXth centuries are of special interest. Also Saken Seyfullin colleagues among whom there is Zhakiya Aynabekov, his family, brothers are buried in this cemetery.
Scientists declare that they do not intend to stop the scientific search on an object. Ahead of them waits for the translation of all remained inscriptions on steles. The three-dimensional scanner of the cemetery was made.
List of monuments of the Akmola region.