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Aksuusky archaeological complex.

Popular destinations in town Naryn in Kyrgyzstan.
“Does progress mean that we dissolve our ancient myths? If we forget our legends, I fear that we shall close an important door to the imagination”
James Christensen.
Backpacker in Kyrgyzstan.
The Aksuusky archaeological complex is in the At-Bashi district of the Naryn region. One of burial grounds is revealed in the depth of the gorge of the same name, on the 5th kilometer of the road the Pogranichnik - Acha-Kayynda sat down.
The archaeological complex is presented by 53 stone earth barrows. Height is 0,1 - 4,5 meters, diameter 8 - 40 meters. One of barrows has a stone square laying of 35 x 35 meter in size which is in 5 meters from its basis 2 rows, between which distance 1,1 meters.
At top of a barrow it is noted - a stone laying with a squared size of 8 x 9 meters. It is dated VII-IV century of century BC the 2nd burial ground is in the gorge of Ak-Suu, in 1 kilometer from Acha-Kayynda Road - the Pogranichnik at the end of the gorge.
The burial ground is located, on the left river bank and contains 23 stone earth embankments making 2 rows. Height is 0,1 - 0,4 meters, diameter is 5 - 7 meters. It is dated VI-X century of century. Excavation was not made.
Rock paintings are in the top gorge near the 2nd burial ground. Drawings are beaten out on stones height of 0,8 - 1,3 meters and submitted by images of goats, figures of the person with hunting onions, a dog and a camel.
Rock paintings are dated VII-IV century of century BC the Aksuusky archaeological complex is opened by the archeologist M. I. Moskalyov.
Encyclopedia "Naryn". Bishkek. 1991.
Photos by
Alexandr Petrov.