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Zeynulla mausoleum.

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about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric
advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races.
I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed”
Toba Beta.
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Zeynulla mausoleum a monument of architecture of Kazakhstan, is located in the Zaysan region of East Kazakhstan region in 0,5 km to the northeast of the village of Zholshy. The mausoleum was built in 1925 by the national master Bayazit Satpayev.
In 1982 Zeynulla mausoleum was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of the Kazakh SSR of republican value and taken under protection of the state. Volume the spatial composition of the mausoleum of Zeynulla consists of two parts - crosswise in respect of tomb volume.
Total length of the building is 9,4 m, width is 5,78 m, height is 8,8 m. The mausoleum is built of an adobe brick and revetted with a burned brick a figured laying. On appearance the mausoleum reminds the Russian chapels and its composition is based on a combination of crosswise lower volume to irregular shape of a tent dome of the architectural architecture of Southeast Asia having similarity to elements.
The entrance is issued by the arch portal and at the level of an arch figured on tomb perimeter in the form of a shelf divides the main volume into two tiers. Wide corners come to the end at the level of a roof four with-faced curbstones, the entrance portal is composition continued on a roof by a small tent on three sides.
Light apertures of the southern and northern sleeves of a cross are framed with figured platbands and processed in the form of a yurts, it is connected by a wide aperture. The interior of a tomb is lit two side and one big western with the apertures alternating with perspective decorative arch niches. In facades of the mausoleum various receptions of decorative layings are applied.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.