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River of Belay Berel.

River Belay Berel and environs.
River Belay Berel and environs.

Corporate travel policy in Kazakhstan.

“The world`s history is constant, like the laws of nature, and simple, like the souls of men. The same conditions continually produce the same results”

Friedrich von Schiller.

Go on a journey from Russia to Kazakhstan.

The river of Belay Berel the river proceeds across the territory of the Katon-Karagay Region of East Kazakhstan region. Beginning from sources and to a confluence with the river Bukhtarma the river is in the territory of Katon-Karagaysky natural national park.
The river is the right inflow of Bukhtarma and Irtysh treats a river basin. Extent of the river is 58 kilometers, the area of the pool is about 1040 kilometers square. The river eats the waters following from glaciers of Katun Range. The Belaya Berel follows from glaciers Big Berelsky who is located on the southern slope of the massif Belukha and Small Berelsky, on the southern slope of Katun Range.
The river flows at first on the southwest, then on the South. Below, approximately at the height of 1900 meters above sea level the river is included into a wood zone which is started anew on the right coast, then on left. The river is surrounded by coniferous forests.
Large inflows of river Belaya Berel – the river Big Kokkol the left inflow, the river Black Berel the left inflow, the river Arasan the left inflow, the river Yazovaya the right inflow. the river flows into Bukhtarma at the village of Berel. In upper courses White Berel proceeds on a canyon 12 kilometers long.
On the river of Big Kokkol which is the left inflow by Bélay Berel there are Kokkol falls 40 meters high. In upper courses the valley Bélay Berel forms a triangle which the territory of Kazakhstan presses in the territory of Russia: from the North, the West and the East ridges serve as valley watersheds as Bélay Berel with valleys of Katun and Argut.
Upper courses Bélay Berel are a popular tourist object, amateur and organized backpackings are carried out there. Now transitions from Russia to Kazakhstan and back near Katun Range are forbidden as there are no officially organized customs points.
For visit of upper courses of the river Berel, and also valleys Black and Bélay Berel it is necessary to issue in Ust-Kamenogorsk permission to visit of a border zone with the annex of a route leaf.

River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.River Belay Berel and environs.

Authority and by photos
Alexander Petrov.