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Glacier Bolshoi Berelsky.

Informative travel to Kazakhstan Altai.
"The Berelsky glacier in Altai. Together with Katun and several other glaciers he goes down from Belukha, consists of two ice sleeves from which western, main, it is formed by several small glaciers. The big Berelsky glacier on a considerable extent is covered with stones, on its western sleeve two averages and as much side moraines are known, the final moraine semicircular and from the outer side represents abrupt taluses"
Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedic dictionary.
Features of a travel across Kazakhstan.
The glacier Bolsoi Berelsky is on the southern slope of east part of Katun Range near Mount Belukha in the Katon-Karagaysky Region of East Kazakhstan region. Mount Belukha (Muztau) is the highest point of Altai its height of 4506 meters above sea level, in riverheads Belay Berel.
Length of the Big Berelsky glacier 10,4 kilometers, the area is 10,3 kilometers of square. The total area of a glacier and moraine of 12,2 kilometers square, the volume of ice of 0,89 kilometers cubic, the open end of glacier snout is at the height of 2050 meters above sea level.
Average long-term position of the snow line of 3100 meters above sea level. Total area of snow fields of 5,6 kilometers square. Studying of group of Berelsky glaciers on slopes of Mount Belukha it was begun with the sector of Institute of geography, department of glaciology in the 50th years of last century.
The glacier Bolsoi Berelsky is on the southern slope of east part of Katun Range near Mount Belukha in the Katon-Karagaysky Region of East Kazakhstan region. Mount Belukha (Muztau) is the highest point of Altai its height of 4506 meters above sea level, in riverheads Belay Berel.
Length of the Big Berelsky glacier 10,4 kilometers, the area is 10,3 kilometers of square. The total area of a glacier and moraine of 12,2 kilometers square, the volume of ice of 0,89 kilometers cubic, the open end of glacier snout is at the height of 2050 meters above sea level.
Average long-term position of the snow line of 3100 meters above sea level. Total area of snow fields of 5,6 kilometers square. Studying of group of Berelsky glaciers on slopes of Mount Belukha it was begun with the sector of Institute of geography, department of glaciology in the 50th years of last century.
Joint studying of Big Berelsky with the Katun glacier in the Russian part of Altai, it was for the first time described by Friedrich Wilhelm Gebler in 1835. Kazastansky scientists from Institute of geography of National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan established that Big and Small Berelsky glaciers recede, are subject to intensive thawing among other glaciers of the massif of Belukha.
The area of the Big Berelsky glacier in 1968 made 7,52 square kilometers, and by results of the analysis of pictures in 2012 it made 6,18 square kilometers of space.
Short encyclopedia Kazakh SSR, volume 2 "Nature", Alma-Ata, 1990. Encyclopedia "Alma-Ata", 1983. Alma-Ata. Editor-in-chief M. K. Kozybayev.
Alexander Petrov.