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Nameless mausoleum number 2 on Shakhi-i-Zinda.

Tourist trips in Central Asia.
"The nationals are the flock, the sultan for
them - a shepherd or a wolf,
The wolf will die, and the herd will calm down,
for there came a shepherd like Moses”
Alisher Navoi.
Backpacker in Uzbekistan..
On the second, previously unnamed mausoleum, dating from the end of the XIV century, the word “Ulug-Sultan-Begim” was read, which means “the Grand Duchess”. The identity of the mausoleum to a historically accurate person has not been established.
Only one portal with majolica lining survived. During 1961 - 1962, the remains of the portal with majolica lining preserved on it were secured. At the same time there were made archaeological excavations. At the opening of the mausoleum of the skeleton was not.
It is established that in place of this mausoleum there existed a mausoleum of the XII century. At this place a pit was made almost to the mainland. It turned out that in the tenth century. there were residential buildings.
It is established that there were no mausoleums between the mausoleums of Usto Ali and Ulug-Sultan-Begim. Between the mausoleum Ulug-Sultan-Begim and the unknown mausoleum number 3 (in the literature it is called the mausoleum of the Emir of Burunduk), the remains of the portal of the mausoleum dating from the end of the XI-XII centuries were opened in 1960.
G.A. Pugachenkova.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.