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Mausoleum of Kuteiba.

Sufi places in the Fergana Valley.
"Allah, the Most High, has offered the light of Good luck to the constellations of the Turks,
The kingdom set them among the heavenly spheres,
Called them at-Turk
And endowed with power, made rulers of the age
And he placed in their hands the reins of the world,
Exalted above [other] people
Strengthened those who were close to them and betrayed, and directed to the truth"
Divan Lugat at-Turk, p.2.
Pilgrimage to the holy places of the Fergana Valley.
In 704, Caliph Abdulmalik ibn Marwon appoints Kuteib ibn Muslim as his Naib in Khorasan. Kuteiba proceeds to further conquest of Maverannahr and Khorezm. Before him, only the western and southern parts of Maverannahr Sogd, Tokarisgan, Khuttal and Chaganien were conquered.
First of all, Kuteiba aims to conquer the main cities of Maverannah, Bukhara and Samarkand and in 706 - 711. organizes several military campaigns. In 712, when he laid siege to Samarkand, King Sogd Gurek sent a letter to the governor of Shash (Tashkent) and Ihshida of Ferghana, in which he wrote:
"If the Arabs win the battle, they will bring you the same thing that brought us" Then the rulers of Shash and Fergana came to the rescue of Gurek. At the head of a large army consisting of Sogdians, Shashmen and Ferghans, he came out against Kuteiba and won a number of battles.
In 713, Kuteiba first organized a military campaign in Shash and Fergana. For this, he created a new Muslim army, uniting about 20 thousand people from Bukhara, Kash, Nasaf and Khorezm. Having selected them from among the Arab soldiers, Kuteiba moved to Fergana.
First, the conqueror took in the siege of Khojend. Khojendy sent a large army against Kuteiba, but after several battles the city surrendered. Then Kuteiba went to Kosan and also conquered it (Akhmedov, 1999). In the early spring of 715, Kuteiba organized a campaign in China.
In this campaign he reached Kashgar and in a hard battle with the Turks won, under repairing himself and Kashgar. At the end of the campaign of 715, supporters of the new Khalifa Sulaiman, who disliked Kuteib, organized a riot in his army and stopped the triumphal march.
The rebels killed Kuteiba, his head was sent to the Caliph, and the body was buried in the Fergana Valley in the Andijan region. There is another version of the death of Kuteiba, according to which his grave is located on the territory of the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan in the village of Karnak.
Alexander Petrov.