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Andasay Zoological Reserve.
Zoological reserves of Kazakhstan.
“Nature is always right. Mistakes and errors come from people”
I.V. Goethe.
Visit to the Andasay Reserve.
In order to preserve and restore rare and endangered bird species in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” dated July 7, 2006 No. 175-III, and decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 25, 2001 No. 382 and dated 15 March 22, 2005 No. 229, the Andasai State Nature Zoological Reserve was established.
It was formed by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR dated May 29, 1966 No. 220. The Andasai State Nature Reserve (Zoological) occupies an area of 1 000 thousand hectares, located on the right bank of the Shu River to the west of the village of Moyynkum.
The Andasay State Nature Reserve was established on the lands of former state farms (named after Zhambyl, named after Furmanov, Taldyuzensky, Kumuzeksky, Karabugutsky, Baytalsky) of the Moyynkumsky district of Zhambyl region.
The reserve was created to preserve and increase the number of Kulan, argali, saiga, gazelle, wild boar, roe deer, pheasant, white-bellied and black-bellied grouse, jack (Bustard bustard), strept, pheasant and other wild useful animals and birds.
The grass cover of the reserve is dominated by feather grass, fescue, bijurgun, rare farmers, black saxaul, thickets of shrubby willows.