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Petroglyphs in grotto of Sartynbet.

Monuments of history of East Kazakhstan region.
“An ancient burial site will always hold clues as to who the people were, and to who we are”
Anthony T. Hincks.
Tours of archaeological sites of East Kazakhstan.
The location of cave paintings made by red ocher was discovered 50 kilometers south of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, near the village of Sartymbet, Ulan district of the East Kazakhstan region, not far from the mountain trident Air-Tau 1003 meters high above sea level and Zhangyztas hill 666 meters above sea level , among the rocky exits in a small grotto.
The entrance to the grotto is located on the east side. The ceiling and walls of the grotto resemble a dome.
The floor is relatively flat, earthen, may have a cultural layer. The wall opposite the entrance has a smooth and almost vertical surface. It was on it that barely noticeable anthropomorphic and geometric patterns were found, applied with mineral paint - ocher.
The figures of people are made extremely schematically. The basis of anthropomorphic figures of the first type is a vertical line, the second type is a rectangle (or trapezoid) divided into two parts, the third type has a diamond-shaped body, also divided into two parts.
Head barely outlined, short arms shown rudimentary. There are either no legs at all, or they are short and widely spaced. Anthropomorphic images are included in a multi-figure five-row, linear composition and possibly reflects some kind of ritual action involving a large number of people.
Samashev Z., Sapashev O., Oralbay E., Tolegenov E., Isin A., Saylaubay E. “Monuments of monumental art of East Kazakhstan (antiquity and the Middle Ages)”. Almaty, 2010, p.23 - 41. http://www.vkoem.kz/index.php/ru/kompleks-qak-bauyrq/1418-naskalnye-risunki-vostochnogo-kazaxstana-vypolnennye-oxroj Peteneva G.G.
Baitenov E.M., October 2011.