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Mahmudhan-ata Mausoleum.

Sightseeing tours in Sairam.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
A trip from Sairam to Taraz.
Mahmudhan ata - the grandfather of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi, the father of Ibrahim Sheikh. He lived in the Xth century. The genealogy goes back to the son of Hazret Ali Muhammad Hanafi. The mausoleum of Mahmudkhan ata is small in size, the height of the dome is 7 meters, an area of 5 x 5.5 meters.
The great-grandfather of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Mahmudkhan-ate in the XII century and at a later time also erected mausoleums. As a result of natural elements and enemy attacks, they were destroyed and then rose again.
The burial place of the sheikh - Mahmud Ata - the father of Ibrahim Ata, grandfather Ahmed Yassawi has been preserved and known. The religious buildings are unique: the mausoleum of Ak Ata - the first teacher of Ahmed Yassavi, the mausoleum of Sheikh Mir - Ali Bab, a historical person, was one of the main conductors of Islam on Central Asian soil, the mausoleum of Sheikh Abdel-Aziz-Bab - one of the first preachers of Islam in the territory of South Kazakhstan , he was awarded the title of Shahid (deceased for faith).
The life of Mahmudkhan-ata occurred in the X century, the era of the greatest prosperity of this region. Having reached the position of a noble saint, he widely propagated religious doctrine among his contemporaries and fellow tribesmen, broadened their understanding of the world, taught well-mannered life and culture.
Muhamedkhan-ata's father, Sheikh Yftikhar, was a fearless warrior who participated in battles with foreign enemies raiding Sairam. During one of the battles with enemies, he was seriously injured. Before his death, Yftihar bequeathed: “Bury me at the top of this ridge.
I want to become the "leader of the Turks" and an obstacle to the path of the enemy coming from the north. " This testament of our ancestor proves that he himself came from the Turkic people.
"Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage". http://www.farsah.kz
Alexander Petrov.