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Flora of mountains of Yereymentau.

Hiking group in Kazakhstan.
“Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere”
Isabelle Eberhardt, «The Nomad: The Diaries of Isabelle Eberhardt».
Walking tour in Akmola region.
The flora of the Yereymentau mountain range, which is located 50 kilometers east of Astana in the Erementau district (Kaz. Ereimentau audany) of the Akmola region and the southern part of the mountains is located in the Osakarovsky district of the Karaganda region is quite rich and diverse.
It is divided into high mountains, where types of steppe, meadow, forest and shrubbery are distinguished. Steppe communities (feather grass forbs, wormwood for herbs) are distributed mainly in the foothill plains, on the slopes of hills and low mountains.
Meadow vegetation, as well as forest type vegetation are found in numerous depressions between hills. Birch and aspen forests, relict groves of black alder grow here. Among the birches, black alder, bird cherry, viburnum, hawthorn, raspberry, black currant (red), horsetail, common hops, sedge and other, well-known and rare plants grow.
Forests are rich in mushrooms (chestnut, brown boletus, honey agarics, etc.), berries (wild strawberries, bones). The world of herbaceous plants is represented by thyme, chamomile, etc. In general, the plant world is unique. Many plants have scientific and practical value, some of them are adonis, etc. - listed in the Red Book.
The wildlife of the mountains is also diverse. The tops of the mountains have long been chosen by a golden eagle, a falcon, an eagle, a fire here, a bell-crane, and bee-eater. Meetings with roe deer, hares are frequent, a fox and a polecat are found.
Dangerous and bloodthirsty predators - wolves quite often enter the valleys. Inhabitants are argali, roe deer, hare, gray and white partridge, black grouse: hunting for them is prohibited all year round.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.