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Lake Zerenda.

Sights of Akmola region.
“Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody”
J.D. Salinger.
The nature of the Akmola region.
Lake Zerenda is located in the Zerendinsky district of the Akmola region at an altitude of 371 meters above sea level on the south side of Mount Karaultau with a height of 408 meters above sea level. On the south side of the lake is a mountain range overgrown with forest Zerendinsky, with a dominant height of 587 meters above sea level.
In the southeastern side of the lake is the village of the same name. 47 kilometers northeast of the lake is the regional center of Kokshetau. In the summer of 1824, Siberian Cossacks (6 families) on the shore of Lake Zerenda founded a Cossack outpost.
In 1836, the village of Zerenda was given the status of a village. In 1840, peasant immigrants from Kharkov, Poltava and Saratov provinces began to arrive in Zerenda. In 1850, Zerenda was transformed from an outpost into a Cossack village.
In 1898, the first state forest management was carried out, borders were set, and boundary marks were established. In 1914 - 1917, Austrian prisoners of war built a demarcating stone wall that separated the state forests from local and church ones.
In 1930, the Red Army collective farm was organized. In 1935, the Zerendinsky district was formed, the administrative center of which was the village of Zerenda. At that time, it consisted of 70 villages with a total population of 26,123 people.
Since 1954, the development of virgin lands on the territory of the Zerendinsky district began. In 1965, the connection of consumers to the power system began in the village, an area of power grids was created. In 1967, an energy-saving organization was created. In 1975, the first ski sports base was built near the lake.
A local legend says - a long time ago, when in these places there were only steppes and hills, a brave young man lived. Once he met a girl of unearthly beauty. Her passionate youth fell in love, and she reciprocated.
The young wanted to get married, but the bride's parents opposed. The groom was poor and too young, and they dreamed of marrying a beautiful daughter to a rich man. Having not received the blessings of their ancestors, the young decided to flee the village.
Their escape was quickly discovered and sent in pursuit of the lovers. They were almost caught up, about to be seized! But the girl was not taken aback, removed the bracelet from her hand and threw it behind her. And then on the spot where he fell, a large lake formed.
The boy and girl were able to hide, and the chase remained on the other side. Since then, the lake, which helped the lovers, is called Zerenda (from the word grains - bracelet). It is round, and the water in it is transparent as a tear.
Zerenda now continues to protect the feelings of lovers.