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Borizhar burial ground.

Travel and tours to the Southern Kazakhstan.
“History must not cross the limits of truth, and for honest deeds one truth is enough”
Pliny the Younger.
Travel along routes of big extent Southern Kazakhstan.
The heirs and descendants of the Iranian-speaking Syr-Darya Saks Kants-Tzu left behind numerous cities and settlements, monumental brick buildings, and palace complexes complex in their architecture. The largest of them are studied in the lower Syr-Darya.
The largest burial mound in the Turkestan region is the Borizhar burial ground (Rus. "Volchiy log"). Located in the Ordabasy district near the village of Koltogan (Mamaevka) on the left bank of Arys in the Turkestan region.
Its dimensions are impressive: 5 - 7 kilometers in length, along the river and from 1 to 2.5 kilometers in width. The number of burial mounds exceeds several thousand, folding in a huge grave field. It is believed that archaeologists started it at the turn of the 1st millennium BC. - at the beginning of I millennium AD Such a unique object could not fail to attract the attention of archaeologists for the first time its research was begun in 1949 and 1951.
South Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition, headed by A.N. Bernshtam.
D. A. Taleev. "Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage". http://www.farsah.kz
Alexander Petrov.