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Monument of Valikhanov in Almaty.

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Monument to Kazakh monumental art about the hierarch-democrat, ethnographer, folklorist, traveler, researcher of the history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and East Turkestan Chokan Chingizovich Valikhanov (1836 - 1865).
The monument was erected on the square of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, along Taras Shevchenko Street in 1969. The bronze sculpture of C. Valikhanov is made according to the model of the sculptor H.I. Naurzbaev and mounted on a pedestal (architect Sh. E. Valikhanov).
On the back of the pedestal, the Kazakh national ornament and drawings by Ch. Valikhanov were used in the design. The sides are lined with ornamented tiles. The architectural decision of the square on which the monument is located is solemnly raised.
The approach to the monument is laid out by the Archeletian flagstone. Gabbro stylobate polished. Symmetrically to the monument are located (six) black low polished gabbras. They rhythmically divide the space when approaching the monument.
The symmetric composition, located on 2 sides of the monument, ends with a water mirror. By architectural decision, the monument is close to the solemnly contemplative style of oriental architecture. In fiigur, the deep reflection of the great enlightener-democrat is conveyed.
Dressed in a military uniform, he stands in a simple and natural pose: one hand with a book is lowered, the other momentarily touched his chin. The inspirational image of a scientist, thinker, a bright representative of the democratic intelligentsia of the late XIX century is deeply modern.
The finely found harmonious correlation of the figure and the pedestal emphasizes the integrity of the form and the plastic structure of the monument. The general emotional, artistic and figurative beginning is enhanced by the reliability of the plastic form.
Silhouette, volumes, details are clear, expressive. On the front side of the pedestal is the text: "Shokan Ulikhanov." The height of the monument is 8 meters. The authors were awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR in 1970.
Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983 3. Set of monuments of history and culture of the city of Almaty Ch. Editor B. G. Ayagan, 2006.
Alexander Petrov.