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Monuments of Almaty.

Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan.
“Man does not reveal himself in history: he makes his way through it”
Tagore R.
List of historical monuments of Almaty.
The state list of historical and cultural monuments of republican significance in the city of Alma-Ata was approved by Decree of the Government of the Kazakh SSR No. 38 of January 26, 1982. The list of monuments of local importance was approved by a decision of the executive committee of the Almaty city council of people's deputies of January 26, 1984 No. 2/35.
After that, in 1985 - 1988, additions were made. During these years, the number of monuments located in the city of Alma-Ata and protected by the state, according to the state list, was 77 units. On December 30, 2011, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted Decree No. 1672 “On the Deprivation of the Status of Monuments of History and Culture of Local Importance of the City of Almaty and their Exclusion from the State List of Monuments of History and Culture of Local Importance”.
According to this resolution, 35 monuments are excluded from the state list of historical and cultural monuments of local importance due to the complete physical loss and loss of historical and cultural significance.
Of these, 11 architectural monuments: the former airport, the Medeu hotel, the merchant Murov’s house, the Sofia church, the Khodjaev’s house, the office of the governor general, the building of the Semirechensk regional department of nationalities, the building of the Almaty-1 station railway station, a department store, club-theater of the NKVD of the Kazakh SSR, the house of the gardener Breusov; 9 monuments of monumental art: 2 monuments of V. I. Lenin, a monument to S. M. Kirov, a bust of L. P. Emelev, a bust of P. Vinogradov, a monument to the fighters of the October Revolution, a monument to M. Frunze, a monument and a bust to M. Kalinin; also 15 monuments of archeology: burial mounds located in the microdistricts of Ulzhan, Kokkaynar, Builder, Dawn of the East.
In 2006, the city had 133 historical and cultural monuments, 87 - architecture and 46 - monumental art, 30 of them of republican significance.
Baiseitova Kulyash (1912 - 1957) – a singer and one of the founders of kazakh operatic art.
Birzhan Kozhagulov (1832 - 1897) – the kazakh people’s composer, singer and akyn-improvisator. He organized the roam theatre. He was a talant representative of musical poetic art.
Dzhambul Dzhabaev (1846 - 1945) – the kazakh people’s poet-akyn. His teacher was Suinbai akyn.
Dina Nurpeisova (1861 - 1955) – the people’s kuishi-composer. She was one of the founders of kazakh kui.
Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev (1818 - 1889) – the kazakh people’s composer-performer of kui. He was also the creator of distinctive style of playing dombra.
Satpayev Kanysh Imantayevich (1899 - 1964) – the scientist, geologist, the Doctor of geologic-mineral sciences and the Academician.
The monument-bust of Dzhambul (Kabanbai Batyr Street in the garden of Opera and Ballet theatre) was built in 1971. Dzhambul Dzhabayev was the kazakh people’s poet-akyn, the representative of the national folk creation. The monument of Lenin was built in 1957.
The monument of Tokash Bokin (in front of the park of 28 guardsmen) was built in 1980. He was the participant of struggle for the Soviet Union power.
Alexander Petrov.