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Kurmangazy Monument in Almaty.

Monuments to Kazakh musicians in Kazakhstan.
“Of all the arts, music is the most humane and widespread.”
Jean Paul.
A trip from Khorgos to Almaty.
Monument to the Kazakh akyn of the XIXth century Kurmangazy at the complex of buildings of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy on Ablai Khan Avenue in Alma-Ata. The monument was unveiled on April 18, 2012, by sculptor T. Binashev.
Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly (1818 - 1889) was born in the current Zhideli Zhangalinsky district of the Ural region. Kyushi, composer, dombrist, classic of Kazakh instrumental music in the genre of kui. The first teacher of Kurmangazy was kyushi Uzak, who introduced him to the art of kyu.
Kurmangazy from an early age attracted the attention of others with his game of dombra. The kyusha’s creative growth was greatly influenced by the famous kyushi of the Eukeyev horde - Baizhum, Balamaysan, Baybakty, Sokyr Yeszhan, Sherkesh, whose works helped Kurmangazy become a great composer of the Kazakh people
Kui Kurmangazy proceeded from the mood of the people, from the real life situations of the Kazakh society of that period. As a wise man, he could distinguish some hidden aspects of the socio-psychological as well as socio-political life of the Kazakhs.
One of the current areas of kyusha's creativity is the theme of freedom of the people and freedom of the individual. Particular attention in his works is given to the popular liberation uprising of the 30s. XIX century under the leadership of Isatay Taimanov.
Kurmangazy devoted one of his first works to this uprising - kyu "Kishkentai". In subsequent kyuys “Aқbay”, “қққққ kіyk”, “үrmeden Kқққan”, “Adai” and others, he sings the cherished dream of the people about freedom, expresses an angry protest to injustice, shows a clash of public interests. In the works of Kurmangazy, special socio-psychological moments of the relationship between man and society are clearly expressed.
In his cues, such as “Aman bol sheshem, aman bol”, “Kairan sheshem”, “Ertek ketem”, “Bytymy-btymy”, the intonations of the human voice, nature, and lively communication are clearly conveyed. Kurmangazy also has kui conveying playful, festive and optimistic moods, written in dance rhythms ("Balbyrauyn" - "Elegant" and others).
Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly was repeatedly imprisoned, however, as an invincible freedom fighter, as a rebel composer, he never gave up. He was in prison in Uralsk, Orenburg; there is evidence that he had to sit in Irkutsk prison.
Having survived the wanderings, insults and persecution of the kyushi, he creates the kui “Alatau” and “Saryarka”, which reflected the deep thoughts of the people about independence and freedom. In 1880, the Kurmangazy settlement settled in the town of Sakhma near Astrakhan.
Kurmangazy, wise by experience, who has become a highly respected elder among the people, gathers successors in the performing arts around him - these are Dina Nurpeisova, E. Yeszhanov, Mamen, M. Suleimenov.
Widely known at that time dombrists - Kokbala, Menetay, Menkara, Sugurali, Torgaybay, Shora - also considered themselves disciples of Kurmangazy. In such works as “Baizhұma”, “Boz Kanғyr”, kyushi acquires instrumental mastery.
The extraordinary talent of performing art and a peculiar musical language were demonstrated by Kurmangazy in their kyui. A special psychological connotation is felt in the kyue “Summary” - a vivid expression of the summing up of the difficult, plagued life path of kyusha.
Along with the motive of the struggle, in the composer's work a special place is occupied by such areas of the musical genre as lyrics, narration of the history of the people, and higher human feelings in relation to the surrounding world and nature.
The work of Kurmangazy has important historical significance in the work of the Kazakh people, which is a huge potential for the cultural development of our people. The study of the works of the composer and his scientific, ideological and cultural heritage has no limits in use for the education of future generations.
Alexander Petrov.