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Temir River.

Tourism in Aktobe region.
“Nature provides enough to satisfy natural needs”
Excursions in the Aktobe region.
The Temir River is the right tributary of the Zhem (Emba) river in the Aktobe region, has a width of 35 - 40 meters in separate sections up to 50 meters, a depth of 0.6 to 4.0 meters. In high water, water rises by 1.5 - 2.0 meters. The riverbed is meandering.
The width of the channel in the low-water period reaches 15 - 20 meters, the depth on the rifts is 0.5 - 0.8 meters, on the stretches 2.0 - 5.0 meters, the flow velocity is 0.1-0.3 meters per second. The bottom soil is sandy, solid, for ford fords with a depth of 0.3 - 0.5 meters.
The tributaries of the Temir River have an almost latitudinal direction, poorly developed narrow channels, winding, deeply cut with an intermittent course, sandy loamy banks. The well-developed Temir River Valley, including a two-sided, partially boggy floodplain and two floodplain terraces.
The floodplain is open, 1 to 3 kilometers wide. The shores are low, gentle, the steepness of the slopes on average does not exceed 20 degrees, in places there are cliffs. And only in the sands of Kokzhide the left bank is high, steep.
A.G. Isachenko, A.A. Shlyarnikov. The nature of the world. “Landscapes”, Moscow, “Thought”,1989.
Alexander Petrov.