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Ebit Natural Reserve.

Adventure tours in Kazakhstan.
“No material goods can replace a healthy living environment”
N.F. Reimers.
Jeep safari tour in Aktobe region.
The state-owned integrated natural reserve "Ebita" is located in the Kargaly district of Aktobe region. The motives for organizing the Ebit integrated nature reserve were the preservation of the reference plots of grass and feather grass steppes, miraculously preserved during intensive economic development of the territory; unique stump forests of the steppe zone from birch, alder, poplar; habitats of the Red Book species of flora and fauna, picturesque sites in the valleys of the Zhayik, Ebit, and Terekla rivers.
Protection of habitats of commercial animal species: elk, roe deer, wild boar, beaver, waterfowl and near-water birds; tugai and tree-shrub thickets as nesting and resting places for migratory birds; numerous archaeological sites - the remains of ancient settlements and mounds of the Bronze Age; object of the NWF of republican significance - Serpentinite milange on the river.
Alimbet - exposure of rocks of the Ordovician-Silurian age. The relief is a riverine shallow hills on the left bank of the Zhayyk river with absolute elevations of relief of 300 – 400 m and relative elevations of not more than 25 m. Most of the territory is flat and shallow.
Gently sloping small ridges and ridges are oriented meridianally, according to the strike of the rocks composing them. The territory is cut by the valleys of the Ebit, Terekla, Surgal rivers and temporary streams. The highest western part of the territory with absolute elevations of 400 - 422 m has a pronounced ridge relief of the slopes and flat watershed plateaus.
Ridges and individual peaks with a comb-like character have been preserved here. In the southern and western parts, wavy flat plots are plowed up. Riverine small hills in the river basin. The ebit climate is sharply continental: the average January temperature is -17 - 19 ° C, July +20 + 21 ° C, the average annual air temperature is +1 + 2 ° C.
The sum of temperatures above 10 ° C is 2200 - 2500 °, the amount of precipitation is 280 - 300 mm, the duration of the frost-free period is 130 - 150 days, the hydrothermal coefficient is 0.8 - 1.0. Coefficient of humidification - 0.40 - 0.50.
The average annual wind speed is 4.5 - 5.5 seconds, north-west winds prevail. Surface water: represented by the Ural River (Zhayik) and its left-bank tributaries Ebit, Kalymbay, Terekla and temporary streams. The rivers have mainly snow nutrition, the proportion of rain and groundwater is negligible.
During the period of spring flood, up to 87% of the annual runoff passes. Sustainable freezing on rivers occurs in mid-November and lasts from 140 to 160 days. The average mineralization of water in rivers during floods is 0.2 - 0.4 g / l; in the summer low-water season, it can increase to 1 g / l.
Groundwater is fractured-karst, less often fractured, confined to conglomerate-sandstones, limestones, dolomites of the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous. The waters occur at a depth of 30 to 120 m and have flow rates of 5 - 20 l / s.
Karst limestones of the Lower Carboniferous have the greatest water mobility. Unloaded in the form of springs with flow rates of 7 - 12 l / s. Water with a mineralization of 0.8 - 1 g / l is mainly calcium carbonate or mixed.
The soil cover is represented by zonal widespread chernozem soils: normal southern chernozems, underdeveloped and carbonate; homogeneous and leveled plots are almost completely developed for agriculture.
Less common are chernozems that are underdeveloped on hills and solonetzes, often found along floodplain river terraces and various depressions. Saline chernozems are found in spots among ordinary chernozems or form complexes with saline march.
The vegetation cover is represented by feather grass of various grasses, steppes with a predominance of feather grass. Forest pegs consist of black alder, gooey alder, birch, aspen, shrubs, buckthorn fragile, honeysuckle, acacia, and currant.
Natural resources of Aktobe region. Ecoproject LLP. 216 p.
Alexander Petrov.