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Mount Imankara.

Group tours in Kazakhstan.
“Takyr Kyrykmyltyk dusts under the wheel
And your beloved home is far away
Though there is no mosquito
Tortured by the heat
And in front is Mount Imankara."
Yuri Pastukhov. "The land of snow-white stories."
Tourist infrastructure of Atyrau region.
Mount Imankara is located in the Zhalyoi region in the east of Atyrau region at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level in a hilly area. This is an isolated hill, consisting of several ridges. At 12.8 kilometers northwest of Imankara is Mount Koykara, 103 meters above sea level.
Munayly-Mola bitumen deposit is located 25.7 kilometers along a country road to the northeast. To the west of the mountain is the tract Kylyshkuduk, 9.6 kilometers to the south-west is the tract Akkuduk. 16.8 kilometers east of the mountain is the takyr Daulet, in the northeast lies the takyr Karykmoltyk and the large ridge Teriskaragan.
Chalk plateau Akkergeshen is located 10 kilometers in the south-west, and Aktolagai chalk plateau is 41 kilometers to the west. On the western slope of the mountain is the cave of Imankara (Nobel). Mount Imankara is the extreme northwestern place where saxaul grows.
At 19 kilometers in the west is the automobile country road Kulsary - Mukur with a length of 141 kilometers. The mountain itself is surrounded by takyrs.
Yuri Pastukhov, “The Land of Snow-White Tales”, Atyrau, 2005.
Alexander Petrov.