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Monument "Lovers" in Astana.

City monuments of Astana.
“If your friend becomes an enemy to you, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will blossom again, wilted because he was not watered with water of friendship and did not care for him”
As-Samarkandi Muhammad ibn Ali.
Best sights in Astana.
Monument "Lovers" (another name - "My Happiness") is a romantic sculpture located in the very center of Astana in the famous Park of lovers. It is a bronze statue of a girl and a boy, which the townspeople consider a symbol of eternal love and fidelity.
It seems that the young couple is walking along the alley serene - the girl, apparently, is telling her lover something, and the guy gently holds her by the waist. The author of this work is the Kazakh sculptor Tolepbay Erbolat.
Established on June 10, 2005, the creation is opposite the Khan Shatyr shopping and entertainment center. Thousands of lovers from all over Astana try to see this sculpture with their own eyes. Many assign the monument "Lovers" the status of the most erotic in Central Asia.
The reason for this is the transparent or slightly wet dress of the Kazakh beauty.
Alexander Petrov.