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Koblandy batyr complex in village Jirenkopa.

Pilgrimage to holy monuments in Aktobe region.
"Coming Koblandy
He began to train the brave Estemes.
Whatever the day, they hunted wild goats,
They fought if the enemy met.
Once with Estemes alone
Lying at the foot of the mountain
When to hearing Koblandy
There was a loud noise.
On the other side of the mountain
The dust swirled high
An incessant hum was heard.
"What's that noise?" - asked
Estemes has a hero.
Then Estemes says
Here is what he says:
"On the other side of the mountain
There is a huge country
Koktym Aimak rules there,
Many thousands of people with him.
The people that are under his authority
Richly, freely lives.
He has a daughter, her name is Kortka,
She is famous for grace.
To the moon
They put a pole there,
Gold coin on a pillar.
Who shoots a coin with an arrow,
He will take the beautiful Kortka."
Epos Koblandy batyr.
Sacred places of Aktobe region.
The memorial complex of Koblandy Batyr is located 90 meters from the right (western) bank of the Khobda River, 2.4 kilometers north-west from the mouth of the Malaya Khobda River to Bolshaya Khobda, in the eastern part of the Zhirenkopa village, Khobdinsky district, Aktobe region.
Installed in 2007. Architect Ibraev B. The Koblandy batyr complex consists of a mausoleum, the Hall of Glory and the obelisk. The memorial complex was created using elements of a military theme. The mausoleum is a round building in the form of a military helmet, it was erected around the former burial site.
On the way to the mausoleum, menhir stones, like sarbases protecting the commander’s peace, were installed. On the side in the form of a military bow is a building that houses a small museum and a hotel for tourists.
The Dome Mausoleum itself, according to the architectural plan, the dome height together with the crescent crowning it is 18 meters, the diameter of the mausoleum is 12 meters. At the entrance to the mausoleum there are stone sculptures 2 meters high.
A tombstone “koytas” weighing 2 tons and a height of 2 meters is installed inside. Koytas is decorated with engraving. The floor of the mausoleum is granite. In the center, on a stone ball, there is a golden figure of the Samruk bird, around 8 sculptures of leopards.
This shyrak is made similarly to the composition with the shyrak located in the complex Kozha Akhmet Yasaui. In the center of the mausoleum three spears with silver tips are pushed together, they are fixed with a shield symbolizing the unity of the three zhuzes, ready to defend their native land.
This 4-meter-high composition was created by famous Almaty blacksmiths - gunsmiths of the Kulmantegi brothers.
Geographic coordinates of the Koblandy Batyr memorial complex: N50 ° 50'55.11 "E54 ° 50'16.78"
“Based on field research. Ermaganbetova K. December 2016. "Register of memorial complexes built during the period of independence." "Practices and places of memory in Kazakhstan." Medeuova K.A., Sandybaeva U.M., Naurzbaeva Z.Zh., Tolgambaeva D.T., Ermaganbetova K.S., Melnikov D.N., Kikimbaev M.Zh., Ramazanova A.Ch., Tlepbergen A .B., Zhetibaev E.Zh., Orazbaeva D.E., Poltavets K.A.