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Grave site of Aktoty of Akan sere.

Historical and architectural monuments of Central Kazakhstan.
“Don’t leave me, Actokty, like a puppy,
More than once I drank honey from your tongue.
Better if I killed you in Sary-mi
And he paid for it with flour for at least a century”
Modern monuments in the cities of Kazakhstan.
Location: Akmola region, Zarendi district, Kyzylagash village. Data on sacral place: Akan sere (Akzhigit) – akin, composer, virtuoso performer. A man who devoted his whole life to song, art, heartfelt lyrical songs and lyricized the joys of life, earthly happiness and reality of his time.
His fame, growing by legends, spread throughout the Great Steppe. His constant participation in the festivals and competitions secured a prefix for him – sere, which means steppe bard, songwriter, favorite of young people.
The birthplace of Akan is a sacred place, represented by a wavy-hilly upland with bizarre sculptures of lost mountains and lake basins, combination of forest-steppe vegetation and pine forests. The future akin was born in 1843 on the coast of Koskol of the Shalkar district of the Kokchetav county.
At the very beginning of his life's journey, he lost his beloved girl, beautiful Aktokta, with whom he was forcibly separated. The theme of love sounds in the lyric songs of Akana sere: “Ақ көйлек”, “Ақтоқты”, “Алтыбасар”, “Ғашық жарға”, “Тағрипың”, “Dedication to Zh”.
One day, young Akan sere went on a long trip through the villages of the Younger Zhuz. There he meets beautiful Aktokty and falls in love with her. But according to the steppe laws, the girl has been seek in marriage to the son of a local bai.
Бəрекелді, Ақтоқты, тапқаныңа,
Жібектен шоқ шекеңе таққаныңа.
БұданартықҚұдайдан не тілейсің,
Шолаққасқыр түсіпті қақпаныңа...», - так он высмеивает будущего мужа Актокты.
Ruthless, greedy society separates two lovers. “Ақтоқтының ажары” “Ақтоқтының зары” (“Appearance of Aktokta”, “Cry of Aktokta”) – songs dedicated to the eternal love of a young girl.
Қорқамын шымылдықтың құруынан,
Бір жаман қолын салып тұруынан.
Дүниедеқыздансорлыжан бар маекен,
Айрылып кете барарруынан?!
Ахау, ахау, арман,
Айхай, жалғандүние-ай!!! – is mentioned in the songabout the plight of the harsh life of girls, who are married and do not love.
Akan tries to kidnap Aktokta, but fails. She is bestown in marriage with a man, whom she does not love. The anger and bitterness of parting oppress the akin:
Ақтоқты, кеткеніңбешыныңменен,
Тар жерде бал берушеңтіліңменен.
Көңілді сұлу қыздар қалдырған жоқ.
Түсімде ұйықтасам да жанымдасың,
Оянатұракелсем, дəнемежоқ, – unbosoms his grief. The bitterness of separation and sadness of loss are heard in every note.
Оралдың ақ иығы аңға тартқан,
Шолпанның жұлдызындай таңға тартқан.
Жамбы мен алтын балдақ жарқыраған,
Секілді Үргеніште ханға тартқан, - so the image of Aktokta was embodied in his songs dedicated to the beautiful appearance, beauty of the female soul, great power of love, love experiences. Gabit Musrepov displays tragic love, tells about the tragic fate of the poet, life filled with meaning, his struggle for people's happiness in his tragedy “Akan sery – Aktokty”.